WINHOOP Inc., established in 2010, provides various products and service to clients in Japan and also internationally. From life experiences in the US for over a decade and interaction with people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds, we have learned that differences between countries are much more than what we could imagine, and often beyond cultures.
Our mission is to become the bridge between our Japanese clients and
international suppliers.
Our clients are always looking for something new.
Japanese quality standard is usually higher than most of other countries in the world, and that is why we can be the bridge and helper for both sides.
Let us be the “Bridge” between your specialties and our market.
Currently we are in the following markets:
- Food packages*
- Bags
- Gifts, Stationeries
- Outdoor related goods (camping)
- Glassware
- Teas
*Tin packaging and plastic packaging are two fields in which we already have a special team. We are committed to our team and will not look for new supplies for these.
If you have any suitable products for our market, we are always eager to see them. If you are looking for specific goods from Japan, we can also be your help to source them. Please contact us at for any further information.
We are blessed that our current international suppliers have been supportive and working with us as TEAM as always. We enjoy the relationship and we have greater goals to bring our appreciation back to our teams and surely to our clients as well.
Together, we hope to bridge the WORLD.